The Centinela water transportation system project, a strategic initiative, involves the acquisition and operation of a 144km long water pipeline that transports 1,194 lps (110,678 m3/day), supplying seawater approximately 60km north from the mining site at Michilla, where Centinela’s port is located. The project also includes the construction and operation of a new pipeline 144 km long and 650 lps (56,333 m3/day) parallel to the existing pipeline to provide seawater. This strategic move will facilitate the planned expansion of the mine via the second concentrator project, also known as Nueva Centinela, which will add 144,000 tons of copper, 3,500 tons of molybdenum, and an additional 130,000 ounces of gold extraction per year.

Under a BOOT (Build-Own-Operate-Transfer) project scheme, the concession agreement establishes a “Take or Pay” structure. The project consortium comprises Almar Water Solutions and Transelec to develop and operate both pipelines, with Bonatti and Sigdo Koppers as contractors.

The first water pipeline is already in operation and the second will begin operations in 2026 following a 20-month construction process. This phase will employ around 1,500 local people. The Aguas Norte y Desarrollo (Nordes) consortium, comprised of Almar Water Services Latam and Transelec, will manage the water system operation.

Icono Tipo Planta ProyectoPROJECT TYPE
Two Water Pipelines

Icono Cliente ProyectoCLIENT
Centinela Mining

Icono Sector ProyectoSECTOR

Icono Country ProyectoCOUNTRY

Icono Capacity ProyectoCAPACITY
110,678 and 56,333 m3/day

Icono Participation ProyectoPARTICIPATION OF AWS IN THE SPV

Icono Cuaderno ProyectoTYPE OF PROJECT
16-year contract under BOOT scheme

Icono Investment ProyectoINVESTMENT
US$ 1,5 Billion

Icono Status ProyectoSTATUS
In operation and in construction

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