Supplying clean water around the word

Almar Water Solutions is an international provider that allows water utilities to achieve their service, financial, and sustainability goals. Our urban water services division improves and sustains the expected level of service, reduces water losses, cuts unit costs, and reasonably justifies tariff rates.

The urban water supply must be effective and available 24/7, avoiding interruptions, ensuring the water quality and pressure, and maintaining the asset conditions. In wastewater services, the assets also must contain health and environmental conditions. The timely delivery and availability of quality water and wastewater services enable customers to enjoy better life and livelihood.

Recently, Almar Water Solutions acquired 50% of the urban water services company Aguas San Pedro in Chile. It operates drinking water production and distribution, sewerage, and wastewater treatment services in its urban service concessions in nine municipalities and four regions in Chile. After that, Almar Water Solutions acquired 50% of Obor Infrastructure Pte Ltd, a Singapore-based holding company that owns two drinking water treatment plants under concession (Tirta Kencana Cahaya Mandiri and Traya Tirta Cisadane) on the island of Java (Indonesia), with a total capacity of 425,000 m3/day.

We are constantly looking to further expand our urban water services in other regions to achieve operational excellence in those geographies that require it. Our mission is to provide health services and satisfy the needs of our clients in a reliable and timely manner, delivering the expected return to our shareholders.


San Pedro S.A. is a company that operates drinking water production and distribution, sewerage, and wastewater treatment services in its urban service concessions in eight municipalities and five regions of Chile: San Pedro de la Paz and Coronel in the Biobío Region; Chillán in the Ñuble Region; Curicó in the Maule Region; Puerto Montt in Los Lagos Region; Buin, Colina, and Pudahuelin the Metropolitan Region.



Urban Water Services
Drinking water
Urban Water Services
Drinking water
Aguas De Sam Pedro Chile
Sewage collection
Sewage treatment


Obor Infrastructure Pte Ltd, a holding enterprise established in Singapore, owns two water companies (Tirta Kencana Cahaya Mandiri and Traya Tirta Cisadane) which operate drinking water treatment plants under ROT concession on the Indonesian island of Java, with a total capacity of 425,000 m3/day, and an important expansion program to increase the capacity by an additional 160,000 m3/day in the short-to-medium term. These supply drinking water to Tangerang City, Tangerang Regency, South Tangerang, and West Jakarta districts, which are part of Greater Jakarta, the second-largest urban area on the planet.


Urban Water Services
Urban Water Service Concessions
Urban Water Services
Desalination, Wastewater Treatment & Reuse Project Development
Operation and Maintenance
Urban Water Services
Smart Digital Water
Urban Water Services
Industrial Water