Accessibility Policy

This accessibility policy sets out information which details the availability of Almar Water Solutions B.V. (the “Almar Water Solutions”) website at the domain <> (the “Almar Water Solutions Website”) to users with different needs. This accessibility policy covers the aims and approach to accessibility, the core functions a user of the Almar Water Solutions Website should be able to perform and what Almar Water Solutions is doing in practice to improve the accessibility of the Almar Water Solutions Website.

Almar Water Solutions recognises that many different forms of disability affect access to the Almar Water Solutions Website. A proactive approach to improving the Almar Water Solutions Website and the services offered via the Almar Water Solutions Website has been adopted.

Almar Water Solutions aims for the Almar Water Solutions Website to meet the needs of disabled users and offer accessible information and services. Almar Water Solutions endeavours to move towards compliance with the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 1.0 AA standard. Almar Water Solutions seeks to provide a good experience for users of the Almar Water Solutions Website with special needs.

Almar Water Solutions’ approach to accessibility is to attempt to make the Almar Water Solutions Website and services easy to use and understand for all users, including by the customisation of computing devices. It is recognised that not just disabled people are affected by issues of accessibility. The Almar Water Solutions Website webpages intend to be clear with easy to follow content.

Using the Almar Water Solutions Website
The Almar Water Solutions Website has been developed to be fully html 5 compliant with all titles, links, and other text content fully compliant. This allows all text readable by text readers and fonts adjustable by html 5 compliant browsers. The Almar Water Solutions Website is responsive to both form factor and font sizing changes assuming reasonable usage.

The Almar Water Solutions Website includes the following:

Contact details for Almar Water Solutions.
Contact details to provide feedback regarding improving the accessibility of the Almar Water Solutions
Customer Involvement
Almar Water Solutions welcomes the feedback of users of the Almar Water Solutions Website with special needs. Almar Water Solutions will seek in the future to involve, as appropriate, those users in the development and testing of new services and content.

Alternative Solutions
Almar Water Solutions may be able to offer an alternative format or solution to accessibility problems encountered by users of the Almar Water Solutions Website. Please contact the Almar Water Solutions using the contact details as set out below.

Standards Compliance
Although the Almar Water Solutions Website doesn’t currently fully comply in all areas, Almar Water Solutions’ aspiration is to conform to the Worldwide Web Consortiums (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0, Level AA, and ensure it maintains this standard once it is achieved. This accessibility standard is being achieved by ensuring the Almar Water Solutions Website content is clearly presented and written in a way which the Almar Water Solutions believes is easy to understand and follow.

If you have any questions or feedback regarding the accessibility of the Almar Water Solutions Website, or if you experience any difficulty using the Almar Water Solutions Website, please contact Almar Water Solutions via , giving details of your query.