Investructuras 2017

Investructuras Annual Congress 2017: Present needs and future challenges of the water sector

Yesterday, 10 October, the 8th Annual Congress on Investment and Financing of the Infrastructure Sector was held at the Hotel Meliá Madrid Princesa in Madrid. Almar Water Solutions, represented by its CEO Carlos Cosín, participated in a panel titled “Water: Present Needs and Future Challenges”, which addressed subjects such as the current state of water supply, drainage and treatment, the treatment ratios required by the European Union, or the question of investment in new water infrastructure or the overhaul of existing infrastructure.

According to Carlos Cosín: “There is a need in the market that is not being covered. Private companies have the technological and operational capacity to carry out projects to expand and improve access to drinking water, guarantee its quality and optimize service and management, and on the other hand, the financial sector has liquidity to invest in those projects. The water sector is a sector that needs to be addressed because of its social and survival component, but is also a profitable sector.”

The event was attended by more than 200 participants from the public and private sectors, with more than 10 debate panels and more than 40 experts speaking about infrastructure financing and investment for both water and other sectors.

Almar Water Solutions, as an expert in financing and development of water projects, presented its view of the importance of investment in water plants for both supply and wastewater treatment, and explained its financial and contractual model to address the present and future challenges facing the water sector.