ICEX Integra

ICEX Integra: Water sector opportunities in the Middle East by Almar Water Solutions

Last week, Almar Water Solutions attended the event ICEX Integra, which focused on water in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and Jordan, and was organized by the Economic and Commercial Office of Spain in Dubai. Other important figures were present at the event, including Spain’s ambassador to the United Arab Emirates, Antonio Álvarez Barthe, and the head economic and commercial adviser of the Embassy of Spain in the United Arab Emirates, Erik Rovina, as well as a large number of companies from the water sector.

Almar Water Solutions participated with a presentation by José Ignacio de la Fuente, Development Director in the Middle East, where he discussed the company’s experience in the region and the numerous opportunities that exist for the creation of desalination and reuse projects, due to the shortage of natural water suffered by the countries in the Gulf. José Ignacio also emphasized that it is necessary to understand the culture of the countries and establish long-lasting relationships based on trust to consolidate the company’s presence in the zone.

The ambassador Antonio Álvarez Barthe was responsible for closing the event and he thanked the participating companies for “their generosity when sharing their knowledge in the development and management of large-scale projects in this competitive region of the world and in such an important sector”.

This is the second time that ICEX dedicated an Integra event to water, after the one in 2014.

Almar Water Solutions has offices in Dubai and Jeddah where it responds to the challenges of water shortages in the region and implements proposals and initiatives that help the Middle East in its economic, social and environmental development through innovative water projects.