Water Reuse


New Water: Innovation to Address Water Resource Scarcity

The growing scarcity of water presents critical challenges worldwide. The New Water concept emerges as a key solution to ensuring sustainable access to water resources. In this article, Carlos Cosín delves into innovative technologies such as desalination and wastewater reuse, emphasizing their role in mitigating the crisis and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

Idra World Congress Cabecera

Almar Water Solutions Highlights Its Role at IDRA World Congress 2024 and Announces New Leadership Position for Carlos Cosin

Almar Water Solutions takes center stage at IDRA World Congress 2024, announcing Carlos Cosín as the newly elected First Vice President of IDRA for the 2024-2026 term. The company also reinforces its leadership in sustainable water solutions as a Thematic Session Sponsor, driving innovation in desalination, water reuse, and water security worldwide.

Water Legislation Exterior Blog

Water Governance: Key Legislation to Tackle Scarcity

Through well-designed and efficiently implemented regulatory frameworks, we can protect our water resources, ensure their equitable and sustainable use, and guarantee that all human beings have access to drinking water and sanitation. In this regard, to face the challenges of the present and future, water management must be a priority on political agendas at the local, national, and global levels.

Foto Exterior Blog Econom A Circular

Circular Economy: Water and Energy

In order to achieve sustainable development, it is crucial to adopt the circular economy as an alternative economic model to the current one, where usage replaces consumption. Although it seems more focused on material management, the water sector cannot be left out of this strategy.

Unga Water Conference Cabecera

Almar Water Solutions CEO moderates United Nations General Assembly water conference side event

Carlos Cosín, CEO, Almar Water Solutions and Former President, International Desalination Association (IDA) has successfully moderated the United Nations General Assembly Water Conference Side Event: Incorporating Non-Conventional Water Resources into Integrated Water Resources Management.  The event was organized by the IDA and the Spanish Minister for the Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge and took place at the Instituto Cervantes in New York, USA.