Almar Water Solutions

World Oceans Day Foto Exterior Blog

World Oceans Day 2024: Awaken New Depths

Our relationship with oceans urgently needs to change, as the efforts made so far have only scratched the surface. It is time to “awaken new depths” and to promote widespread support for the oceans. In this regard, Almar Water Solutions joins the United Nations in reminding us of the crucial role the oceans play in our lives on World Oceans Day, June 8.

Ai Exterior Blog

Water and Artificial Intelligence

The projected increase in the world’s population will mean a greater demand for water for agriculture, industry, and domestic consumption. Therefore, it is necessary to find innovative solutions that allow us to optimize water management and make more efficient use of our water resources.

El Agua En El Arte Exterior Blog

Water in Art

Water is a recurring component in painting, architecture, and literature, often serving as the inspiration for many great artists. Water has not escaped the artistic gaze, as the relationship between water and art is as old as humanity itself.

Acades Cabecera

Chile’s Water Security in Focus at ACADES 2024 Congress

Almar Water Solutions participated on March 20th and 21st in the ACADES 2024 Congress “New Water Sources for Chile,” held in Santiago, Chile, and organized by the Chilean Desalination Association (ACADES). This event focused on the country’s water security and featured Almar Water Solutions as one of its sponsors, reaffirming its commitment to addressing water challenges in the region.