Consejo de Ministros de la Iniciativa de la Cuenca del Nilo


Carlos Cosin, CEO of Almar Water Solutions, together with Luis Blanco, Country Manager of Almar Water Solutions in Kenya, attended yesterday the 27th Nile Basin Initiative Council of Ministers at the Radisson Blu Hotel, Upper Hill, Nairobi, Kenya to present innovative solutions to address the water challenges of Sub-Saharan Africa. During the event, the Nile Basin countries celebrated 20 years of cooperation and partnership.

Carlos Cosin explained in his speech that “Sub-Saharan Africa is a region that poses significant challenges in the water industry due to its population growth, advances in economic development and the severe effects of climate change. Desalination is an unconventional source of water that will help to alleviate water stress in the region and will contribute to the progress of its community.”

Almar Water Solutions awarded in 2019 the first large-capacity desalination plant in Mombasa, Kenya. The project, which will be located in the North Mainland area of Mombasa County, will provide drinking water to more than one million people. The plant will be managed and operated for 25 years, until it is handed over, and is currently in the financial closure process.

The Mombasa desalination project will alleviate the current water crisis in the county, which has been experiencing interruptions in its drinking water supply for several years.

Carlos Cosin also participated in the ceremonious passing of the International Desalination Association (IDA) flag to the 2021 World Congress Host, the County of Mombasa, Kenya. The ceremony took place during the event’s Opening Ceremonies and was presided over by His Excellency the President of the Republic of Kenya.

The Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) is an intergovernmental partnership of 10 Nile Basin countries, namely Burundi, DR Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, The Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda. Eritrea participates as an observer.

For the first time in the Basin’s history, an all-inclusive basin-wide institution was established, on 22nd February 1999, to provide a forum for consultation and coordination among the Basin States for the sustainable management and development of the shared Nile Basin water and related resources for win-win benefits.

Almar Water Solutions has been present in Sub-Saharan Africa for some time and is particularly interested in developing innovative technological projects to supply both the municipal and industrial sectors.