Supplying Water Solutions for a Sustainable Future
Almar Water Solutions is a leading company in the water sector, renowned for its expertise in developing long-term water solutions. Backed by a team with over 30 years of experience and combined with robust financial capacity, Almar Water Solutions is uniquely positioned to deliver cutting-edge technological solutions that transform the water industry.
Divided into three main business lines—Asset Management, Services, and Industry and Technology—the company specializes in project finance development and mergers and acquisitions, driving the organic growth of water companies.
Additionally, Almar Water Solutions offers tailored local and regional content, addressing the specific needs of each industry and region. With regional platforms in Latin America, Asia-Pacific, Europe, and the Middle East, Almar Water Solutions ensures global reach with local expertise. Its comprehensive approach and commitment to sustainability guarantee efficient and enduring results, significantly contributing to the sustainable development of water resources worldwide.
Our business origination is focused on two business areas from the water sector: Project Finance Development and Merge and Acquisitions, and three business lines: Asset Management, Services, and Industry and Technology.
Today Almar Water Solutions is a globally-respected, successful, and diversified business with a global presence with operations in Europe, the Middle East, Latin America, Africa, and Asia-Pacific.
Through regional platforms, we cover all water management services for international utilities and industrial clients.
Discover our companies and contracts.
Almar Water Solutions is continuously studying water and environment-related businesses to contribute to the circular economy and expand its portfolio of sustainable solutions.
That is why it has a new division called New Ventures for projects that, through innovation, generate a positive environmental and social impact.
The company is currently focusing its energies on the following sustainable businesses:
The transition toward a low-carbon economy is a priority in Almar Water Solutions. We want to create value for our stakeholders and meet the environmental objectives of the future.

Almar Water Solutions Highlights Its Role at IDRA World Congress 2024 and Announces New Leadership Position for Carlos Cosin
December 13, 2024
Almar Water Solutions played a prominent role at the IDRA World Congress 2024, which took place from December 8 to 12 in Abu Dhabi.

Almar Water Solutions, Industrial Partner of the Saudi Water Partnership Company Forum & Award Ceremony
December 3, 2024

Almar Water Solutions Participates in High-Level Discussion at UNGA79 on Food and Water Security
September 25, 2024

Almar Water Solutions Celebrates One Million Safe Man Hours at the Zuluf Water Treatment Plant in Saudi Arabia
September 10, 2024
C/ María de Molina, nº 39
6ª planta – 28006 Madrid
+34 917 026 712
+34 919 992 418
Amir Majed Street
P.O. Box 3327 Al Safa District
21471 Jeddah
+966 12 693 0000
+966 12 628 3902
17rd Floor Jumeirah Business
Center, Unit 2304, Cluster G, Building G2, Jumeirah Lake Towers
P.O. Box 392632 Dubai
+971 4 249 5625
+971 4 450 4468
Avenida Apoquindo 6550
Las Condes CP 7560903
Santiago de Chile
+56 2 6465 5399
Ridgewood Group 165
El Orouba St. Heliopolisce
Zip Code11835