Cabecera Web Green Hydrogen

Water: key to green hydrogen

The energy transition is an inescapable journey that is full of challenges. We are in the midst of a process of transformation in the way we produce, distribute, and consume energy. War, the geopolitical tensions of recent years, and especially the inevitable fight against global warming make decarbonization a fundamental necessity in the near future. In this situation, green hydrogen is one of the best solutions. The simplest chemical element has become a key component in this renewal process, along with other renewable energy sources. Hence, governments are increasing investments to promote hydrogen projects.

Green hydrogen is 100% sustainable, does not emit pollutant gases in its production, and in its use, does not generate pollutant or greenhouse gases, neither in combustion nor in fuel cells. This gives it great versatility of use: electricity generation, raw material, synthetic fuels, heat generation for industry, and mobility, among others.

As in the water management process, water technologies are fundamental in the different parts of the green hydrogen production process. Hence, the water sector is critical.

New electrolyzer technologies require a high-quality water supply to ensure these expensive devices’ proper efficiency and durability. Also, the places where hydrogen production is expected to be most abundant and economical (higher availability of solar energy) are the most water-stressed places on the planet. Technological initiatives are beginning to emerge that will become more important as hydrogen production increases.

A new way of using seawater to generate hydrogen has been developed at Stanford University. It involves a new system for separating hydrogen and oxygen from seawater through a double membrane system and electricity, thus not relying on water sources with other possible uses.

Similarly, the generation of green hydrogen from wastewater may become a reality. This is a technology that, despite being in the development phase, the results that are being obtained are auspicious. Transforming waste from urban or industrial wastewater into raw material for the production of green hydrogen is opening up a new avenue in hydrogen production.

Almar Water Solutions has a presence in these geographical areas of the planet where hydrogen generation is expected to be particularly relevant. We analyze the best options for energy transformation and decarbonization; considering water as a vital part of the process, we have experts in renewable energies and green hydrogen.

Supported by the rest of the group’s business lines and hydrogen technology partners, we have created our new Hydrogen Venture business area. This new area has already developed the first hydrogen plant for logistics, which is now operational. In addition, we have several hydrogen plant proposals in the pipeline for the world of mobility and logistics.

The energy transition is inevitable, but so is the hydrogen boom.