
Water and climate change, main lines of Almar Water Solutions’ presentation at the Climate & Water Summit

On 20 March Almar Water Solutions took part in the “Climate & Water Summit” event organized by iAgua Magazine at the Círculo de Bellas Artes in Madrid, Spain. Our CEO, Carlos Cosín, gave a presentation entitled “Unconventional Water Tendencies as Solutions to Climate Change”.

He began by reminding the audience of some relevant data: last year, according to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the atmospheric concentration of CO2 reached 403.3 parts per million (ppm), the equivalent of 145% of the pre-industrial levels prior to 1750. Moreover, according to a study from the University of Washington there is only a 5% chance that global warming will not exceed 2 ºC and 1% that the temperature will be reduced by 1.5 ºC, the target set by 195 countries in the 2015 Paris Agreement. These data are extremely alarming for the planet’s sustainability and thus for the peaceful coexistence of its inhabitants.

Carlos went on to develop his thesis that the water desalination and reuse technologies are a competitive, sustainable solution to the problems raised by climate change. He emphasized the fact that membrane technology, especially reverse osmosis which has achieved reductions in the order of 3.5 to 4 kwh/m3, is successfully reducing energy consumption, a critical parameter for these solutions.

Lastly, Carlos explained that the combination of these technologies with renewable photovoltaic energy production and current market prices provide a clearly sustainable option that would significantly reduce water rates and also enable emission-neutral production.

The Climate & Water Summit brought together the leading companies in the water sector and public and private organizations that develop projects and solutions to combat and mitigate the effects of climate change. The Spanish Government’s climate change policies and their relationship with water resources were also presented.

Almar Water Solutions, very active in this type of forum, is a company specializing in the development, promotion, financing, design and operation of water infrastructures, with a firm commitment to building a better world through innovative solutions to address water challenges and climate change.