Almar Water Solutions’ services business area (Almar Water Services) has been consolidating its activity by providing services to both private and industrial clients, as well as to its own assets. It currently has more than 70 contracts for desalination and wastewater treatment plants, in both Latin America and North Africa.
Tourism currently increases global water consumption, especially at regional level where tourism concentrates traveller flows in time and space, and often-in dry destinations where water resources are limited. What is the solution?
Tras la COP-25 celebrada en Madrid el pasado diciembre, el 2020 debía ser un año decisivo para las iniciativas contra el cambio climático. Sin embargo, el ciclón de la pandemia del COVID-19 ha hecho que la próxima cumbre se retrase, así como los planes e iniciativas vinculados con el clima y el cambio climático. Sin embargo, la conciencia ciudadana sobre este tema hace que ya no haya vuelta atrás