Tras la COP-25 celebrada en Madrid el pasado diciembre, el 2020 debía ser un año decisivo para las iniciativas contra el cambio climático. Sin embargo, el ciclón de la pandemia del COVID-19 ha hecho que la próxima cumbre se retrase, así como los planes e iniciativas vinculados con el clima y el cambio climático. Sin embargo, la conciencia ciudadana sobre este tema hace que ya no haya vuelta atrás
Climate change represents a profound threat and an unprecedented opportunity to invest in and transform water governance and management systems so humanity can thrive in an increasingly uncertain and variable future.
The Mediterranean region is marked by an extremely unbalanced distribution of water resources. Water scarcity is concentrated mainly in the southern and eastern Mediterranean and water demand has surged in recent years due to population growth and the development of economic activities such as tourism and food and textile production.