
Almar Water Solutions, the specialist in water infrastructure, attends the International Water Summit in Abu Dhabi

Almar Water Solutions, a provider of specialist expertise in water infrastructure development, attended the International Water Summit held in Abu Dhabi this week.

As part of the Summit, Carlos Cosín CEO, participated in a roundtable titled ‘Driving efficiency in the used water market’, where he talked about the benefits of reuse and desalination as a solution for water scarcity problems, especially in those countries where water stress and aridity is prevalent.

The roundtable was attended by speakers from leading water companies that work in the Middle East to solve water supply and pollution challenges.

Abdul Latif Jameel Energy and Environmental Services announced the establishment of Almar Water Solutions as part of its continued expansion and diversification strategy. Almar Water Solutions will seek to tackle the challenges of water scarcity and contamination. It will be dedicated to the provision of global solutions that can contribute to sustainable development of the water sector, by developing and operating water desalination and purification treatment plants.