Almar Water Solutions sponsored the Global Water Awards 2023 Gala Dinner
Last night, Almar Water Solutions sponsored the Global Water Awards Gala Dinner in Berlin, Germany. The awards are held as part of the Global Water Summit event, organized by Global Water Intelligence, and recognize the international water industry’s most significant achievements in water treatment, wastewater, and desalination, as well as operational efficiency, adoption of innovative technologies, and sustainable financial models.
Carlos Cosín, CEO of Almar Water Solutions, opened the gala with a speech in which the water crisis and the impact of climate change took center stage. Carlos pointed out that “as a united society, we must cooperate to protect, sustainably manage and guarantee universal access to water. Water must be at the center of the global political agenda because the future of humanity depends on it, and it is our job as members of the water sector to make this happen”.
In closing, he congratulated all the winning companies of the evening and concluded, “There is still much to be done. From greater international cooperation between all public and private bodies, stronger political will and awareness of the importance of water as an indispensable resource for life, to a change in consumption habits and business-as-usual attitudes, to more significant funding for developing and improving water infrastructure. Water is a common good, and it is in our hands to preserve and respect it”.
In terms of awards, the Shuqaiq 3 desalination plant in Saudi Arabia, developed by the consortium of Almar Water Solutions through Abdul Latif Jameel Enterprises, ACCIONA, Marubeni Corporation, and Rawafid Alhadarah Holding Co., for the Saudi Water Partnership Company, awarded the Distinguish recognition in the “Desalination Plant of the Year” category for its impressive record construction and development time despite COVID-19 problems, and for its innovative technical aspects. Its technological solutions, energy efficiency, and environmental commitment have made this project unique.
During the Global Water Summit event, Almar Water Solutions had an exhibition space where numerous colleagues, customers, and partners came to discuss the future of water production through innovative technologies and efficient solutions.
After the recent Zuluf water treatment plant award in Saudi Arabia, Almar Water Solutions has become a key player in the water industry after only six years of existence. It currently has five regional platforms from which it offers solutions in its three business lines: asset management, services, and industrial water & technology.
For another year, Almar Water Solutions is backing the Global Water Summit event to showcase its capabilities and experience in a sector with one of the world’s most significant challenges: access to water.