Almar Water Solutions awarded a contract to develop Kenya’s first large-scale desalination plant
Almar Water Solutions has been awarded a contract to develop Kenya’s first large-scale desalination plant. The project will be located in the North Mainland zone in the county of Mombasa and will have a capacity of 100,000 cubic meters per day, supplying drinking water to over a million people. The plant will be managed and operated for 25 years until it is handed over.
The development of this desalination project will alleviate the water crisis that Mombasa County is currently experiencing, which for several years has caused interruptions in the drinking water supply. News of this milestone achieved by the County Government of Mombasa has been officially released today at a press conference in the presence of the Mombasa Governor Honorable Ali Hassan Joho, Carlos Cosín, CEO of Almar Water Solutions, and Fady M. Jameel, Deputy President & Vice Chairman of Abdul Latif Jameel. As stated by the Honorable Ali Hassan Joho: “Almar Water Solutions will put up the desalination plant in North mainland zone. It will be able to pump more than 100,000 cubic meters of water per day, giving quality water supply to over a million people in the county. The increasing population has led to increase in demand while the supply form neighbouring counties keep fluctuating. Currently the demand stands at 200,000 cubic meters against a supply of 42,000 cubic meters”. In turn, Carlos Cosín expressed his thanks to the Mombasa government for placing its trust in Almar Water Solutions, who will work to successfully develop this pioneering project in the country, supervising the entire process from the beginning stages until the project is transferred to the county.
Almar Water Solutions has been present in the region for some time and is particularly interested in developing innovative technological projects to supply both the municipal and industrial sectors.
Sub-Saharan Africa is a region that poses significant challenges in the water industry due to its population growth, advances in economic development and the severe effects of climate change. Desalination is an unconventional source of water that will help to alleviate water stress in the region and will contribute to the progress of its community.
The contract awarded for the first desalination plant in Kenya is a major milestone for both the country and Almar Water Solutions, as it is an unprecedented project that will lead the way towards the development and improvement of the African continent’s infrastructure network.
About Almar Water Solutions
Almar Water Solutions is a company specializing in the development, promotion, financing, design and operation of water infrastructure. Its team of professionals, with over two decades of experience in 25 countries leading major water infrastructure projects, works tirelessly to develop integral solutions that meet growing needs for water in the municipal and industrial sectors.
For further information
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Planta 5ª 28006 – Madrid, Spain
T: +34 917 026 712