Aguas San Pedro S.A. is a leading company in urban services, specializing in the production and distribution of drinking water, as well as in sewage and wastewater treatment, under the framework of its concessions.

The company operates under a comprehensive water cycle business model, which encompasses water sourcing, treatment, distribution, wastewater collection, and treatment, as well as billing services to customers.

Currently, the company serves more than 45,000 customers in Chile, in the municipal sector, and operates in eight municipalities across five regions of Chile. Its current services are located in:

  • Biobío Region: San Pedro de la Paz and Coronel
  • Ñuble Region: Chillán
  • Maule Region: Curicó
  • Los Lagos Region: Puerto Montt
  • Metropolitan Region: Buin, Colina, and Pudahuel

Aguas San Pedro S.A. has a total water treatment capacity of 65,000 m³/day and a wastewater treatment capacity of 25,000 m³/day, thereby ensuring sustainability and quality in water supply for its customers.

In July 2022, Almar Water Solutions acquired a 50% stake in the company, consolidating the first Urban Services platform in Chile. This platform has experienced steady growth, both organically and inorganically, through the incorporation of new concessions and the acquisition of other water utilities, such as Aguas de Colina in January 2023.


Icono Localizacion Celeste  Chile

Mapa Chile Celeste


Icono Agua Potable

Drinking water production

Icono Distribucion Agua Potable

Drinking water distribution

Icono Aguas Residuales

Sewage collection

Icono Aguas Residuales

Sewage treatment