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World Water Day 2023: Be the Change you Want to See in the World

Today we are one step closer to achieving this. After waiting almost half a century, on 22 March, the United Nations Water Conference is finally being held. It will create a new opportunity to guarantee that we will reach 2030 with our goals met.

The UN hopes that this meeting, which coincides with World Water Day, will provide real solutions and define the roadmap for the necessary change. We continue to face many challenges today. More than 40 percent of the world’s population suffers from water scarcity, billions live in poverty, malnutrition stunts the growth of 1 in 4 children, and the human rights of millions of people are still not ensured.

Aware of this reality, in 2015, world leaders adopted an agreement in the United Nations: the 2030 Agenda, which is centered around five fundamental elements:

  • People: it aims to see that no one is left behind and to ensure dignity and equality in a healthy environment.
  • The planet: it aims at placing the protection of the earth at the center.
  • Prosperity: it seeks to transform economies to enable people to enjoy a prosperous life and be in harmony with nature.
  • Peace: it seeks to promote peaceful societies.
  • Alliances: it aims to create a global alliance among agents.

An unprecedented international agreement that will remain in force until 2030 recognizes the importance of addressing the fight against poverty, the care of the planet, and the reduction of inequalities. This agreement seeks a transformation that will move the 193 member states of the United Nations towards economic, social, and environmental sustainability.

But… how do we do that?

To achieve this, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their 169 targets were proposed to transform our world. Ensuring access to safe drinking water and adequate sanitation corresponds to SDG 6, which has become one of the pillars that underpin the 2030 Agenda because of its impact. Some of its goals include:

  1. Achieving universal and equitable access to safe drinking water and adequate sanitation services.
  2. Ending open defecation.
  3. Improving water quality by reducing pollution and untreated wastewater and increasing recycling and reuse.
  4. Promoting efficient use and integrated management of water resources.
  5. Protecting and restoring water-related ecosystems.

Today, on World Water Day, raising awareness of the need to accelerate change is essential. The relevance of achieving this Goal will help advance others and promote the achievement of the other SDGs. This is because sustainable management of water resources will, in turn, help end poverty and hunger, guarantee a healthy life and well-being for all, reduce inequality, achieve sustainable cities and communities, protect natural ecosystems, and promote sustainable development in the world, among others. This means lagging behind in achieving SDG 6 seriously threatens the 2030 Agenda.

As an indispensable element for life, water is a part of the main objectives that will allow sustainable development. Development that meets our present needs without harming future generations. Effective and sustainable management of water resources is indispensable for a decent life and the planet’s sustainability. At Almar Water Solutions, we are working to accelerate change by ensuring water and sanitation availability and sustainable management.

Be the change, do your part. Today is the day to start changing how you use, consume, and manage water. With small everyday actions, we can help preserve this precious resource. Water is life. Take care of it!

Water affects us all, so we all need to take action. Be the change you want to see in the world!



United Nations Water Day.

UN 2023 Water Conference, United Nations.

Accelerating change. World Water Day 2023.